Sunday, May 5, 2013

So, how's the training going?

Define "training"!

If training means logging the miles I promised to log, it's been a dismal failure.

If training means doing something other than sitting in front of a computer for hours on end, it's been a roaring success.

The last two weeks have been, er, understated in terms of miles logged. I think I maybe did 2 miles the week before last and 3 miles last week. But I've done a ton of digging. It's like hiking for the arms! I've shifted 2 yds of sand and 2 yds of garden soil. I've schlepped barrels and planters. I've washed a car. I've chased chicks (the feathered variety!) All in the most glorious spring weather imaginable...70s and 80s in sunshine. Astonishing! I wonder if our cross country hike will be blessed with even one day like that.

Here's a photo as evidence of my endeavors:

Next week, my digging tasks will be behind me, the weather will still be glorious, so hike I must!

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